It has inspired a sequel; working title; 'The Ties That Bind.’
Two families hunt for a legacy
buried under the betrayals of a forgotten war.
Four strangers, each seeking a truth which they will only find
in the hearts of their enemies.
One shadow comes back to haunt them all.
I have signed up for the 100k in 100days, challenge, which means I must write 1,000 words per day, everyday, for 100 days, the idea being, that at the end of that time, you have 100,000 words which is a novel! Great idea and I am, so far ahead of the curve. I have written everyday this month and one of my promises to myself is that I will get back into the habit of daily writing, something I always suggest to my workshop participants.
Meanwhile I continue to juggle the workshop programme. We are back in the Primary School this term with more magic to add to the publication of the children's work later this year.
Harwich Writer's Group thrives in its new home at The Harwich Guildhall, and Kickstart Your Writing in Covent Garden, with Spread The Word, launched earlier in the month with a group of wonderful writers.
I find that working children and writing groups refreshes the imagination, inspires the creative flow and energises a tired mind!

Tomorrow I am off to the British Council Literature Roadshow and will take the opportunity whilst in London to do some location research