In 2022-23, I delivered a programme which I had devised with funding from Arts Council England. It was called A Roadtrip to Wellbeing Through Writing and was designed for teaching staff in schools, who appeared to be suffering an epidemic of stress.
I have always used daily writing as a way of processing stress and anxiety and realised recently how much it provides me with inspiration to write novels and manage a writing related business.
When we write without fear, silencing the literary critic who sits on our shoulder, we express thoughts, feelings and ideas which we didn’t know were there.
But I realised that to find my deeper creativity and avoid blocks, I needed to go further. I teamed up with a colleague, David Read, who has been working on a holistic approach to Mind Body Feelings, for over a decade, focussing on breath work, and the science behind Mind, Body and Feelings. How our bodies are a chemistry set and how we can learn a few simple techniques to change the thought, change the action change the feeling.
We end up with more energy, and feeling positive about what we are doing. It puts us back in control.
And my quest for my own Glorious Third Age through Writing and Wellbeing was launched.
I began to research 'Wellbeing Practices.' and G3A was launched....