Total Word Count: 27,228 Today's Word Count: 1,653
Rosetta Space Mission - All the ingredients of a great story.....

Set the stakes high: life or death works best, so that people care what happens. Then emphasise the risks by using similes and hyperbole:
'It could crash; it could bounce off into space'....
'It is like landing a fly on a speeding bullet',
or how about:
'It is like throwing a hammer in London and hitting a nail in Delhi.'
Purpose of the mission: Make sure that there is a essential purpose behind the story:
A comet could have brought the building blocks of life to earth so this mission is out there looking for
the ingredients for life, which is critical to finding out about life on earth.
Back Story
Comets were formed 4.5 billion years ago so this mission can tell us about the dawn of the solar system. The comet is pristine, unchanged in all that time, and so can tell us something about the formation of our own planet.
This is edge of seat Drama.
The first time something like this has ever been tried. It has taken 10 years to get there travelling at 40 thousand miles per hour. It takes 28 minutes for the signal to reach the earth. There are dramatic possibilities within such timescales – the possibilities of failures...
And finally, a happy ending, a good resolution to the issues and potential for more....
this story will run and run and we will be ready for more
‘So, pull your seat up to the edge of time and space and I will tell you a story’