Total Word Count: 42,476 Today's Word Count 0......
Focusing the Scene
8 questions to focus the scene and stay on plot

1. What is the main purpose of this scene in terms of story and what else can it do in setting up themes, conflicts, characters, relationships....?
2. Which characters do I need, which are possible P.O.V characters, and who don't I need?
3. Why does the scene begin when it does? (This relates both to the timeline of the plot and the emotional background of the characters).
4. Where can I locate this scene to add drama to the narrative and underpin the themes of the story?
5. How can I succinctly establish where and when this scene is happening?
6. What events are vital to this scene and how can I use this scene to trail future actions or events by building suspense or setting up subsequent scenes?
7. How do I capture the reader's attention in the opening of the scene and create a hook to keep the reader wanting to know what happens next ?
8. Is this scene in the right place in the story? Should we have this information earlier or later in the overall narrative? (That is a task for editing. I will write the scene anyway and then ask these questions again when I edit...)