...and what are you going to do about them?

At the current count, I have a new historical novel brewing, with a title, a story, themes of love, loss and art, set during the Spanish Civil War with characters shouting at me when I take the dog for a walk, or just before I go to sleep. I need to pin down the plot so that I can start writing it for NaNoWriMo in November. Then there is the lighter contemporary short romcom set in Andalucia with a title, story, characters and plot ready to go.... A Young Adult historical which is also bugging me and tugging at my unconscious; if it shouts much louder I will have a story, and a few more characters with a plot gradually emerging....
The back catalogue, which most of us have collected, comes under the heading of 'Unfinished Business' and needs to be resolved. Four Romantic Novels which will be cannibalised for spares if I don't get them into publication before then. But they need attention; there is a reason they are not published; usually, story related and all are in a queue for the story doctor to diagnose some remedies which will make them more compelling to read.
So the question is this:
Do I work on the new, exciting historical novel, which needs a lot more research? The romcom which I will enjoy and requires less research? Or change tack altogether and go for my first YA historical which will also need research? And when oh when do I get round to healing and making the back catalogue of four novels ready for publication?
Tell me about your WIP's and back catalogue and how you plan to tackle it.