2. I limped over the finish line knowing that the job is only half done and more challenges await to complete the book. Next is 250 words per day followed by 100k in 100 days. By Easter I should have a completed novel ready to edit.
3. Daily writing matters but learn to forgive yourself if you don’t manage it. Family days and ‘life’ will always be there, and refresh the writer.
4. Turn off the internal editor for the first draft and just get the story down.
5. Prepare well, but not too well. Allow space for the characters to grow and for other characters to come in and surprise you.
6. I am an expert procrastinator. Procrastination used to be the thief of time, now it is social media.
7. It must be about the book and not only about the challenge. The challenge is there to support your efforts to write the book not as an end in itself. Use it wisely and do what works best for you. Don’t get sucked into COUNTING: because.....
8. .... all words have the same weight as far as the COUNT goes. But we all know that some words are more significant than others. Some are heavier, meatier, more juicy than their mundane neighbours. They carry more of the story and the flavour of the book. And the more you get the right words at this stage, the easier the edit is...