Happy new year and welcome to my new site. The new working year dawns bright and clear. Quiet after recent raucous weather . The tide is high and Poppy and I have the beach to ourselves. She is an excitable companion and notices the things I miss, stopping, pointing, sniffing the air, rooting and just taking off across the sand for the sheer joy of running.
Long shadows from a low sun make me look tall and thin like a supermodel but I know that it is an illusion, especially after Christmas and bundled in my dog walking coat. Walking past the cafe on the corner, I see people tuck into their breakfast and think how liberating to be free of clichéd resolutions. The gym along the street is closed this morning but the bin men are back at work. Back to a ‘normal’ working year.
My ‘normal’ working year is changing. This year I will simply write daily and encourage others to do the same, through Write Your Life and Action Learning Programmes.
I have always thought that New Year is like crossing between carriages on a moving train: reflecting on what has gone: resolving to move forward. Like being Between Times, which has just become the title of my next story.
I am inspired by Julia Cameron The Right to Write (and the Artists Way) and the Facebook Challenge 100k
100 days. 1,000 words per day is not really the challenge for me, that is about one hour’s work (many people commute for an hour a day. Try writing...) The challenge is 1,000 words EVERY day.
Some of my work will be published here, but not all, you will be relieved to hear. A lot of it will be rubbish but it will all be Work In Progress. I have my hard hat ready if you want to comment.
Happy New Year to you all.